R.I.P. Patrick Swayze :(

September 15, 2009 at 10:35 am 3 comments


Curse you Summer of Death!!!!!

patrick-swayze-dirty-dancingPatrick Swayze, who made me want to grab my grenade launcher and fuck shit up as Jed Eckert …

Patrick Swayze, who made me want to grind it like I mean it as Johnny Castle …

Patrick Swayze, who made me want to buy a bunch of clay and make shit as Sam Wheat …

Patrick Swayze, who made me want to bust some HEADS as James Dalton …

Patrick Swayze, who made me want to catch a major curl as Bohdi …

… has lost his battle against pancreatic cancer and died …

… at the justfuckingwaytoosoon age of 57.


Entry filed under: blogging, celebrity. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

R.I.P. “Norma Rae” FOX Viewership FAIL


  • 1. writechic  |  September 16, 2009 at 2:37 pm

    The handsome index dropped 100 points the day he died. Loved him.

  • 2. Lucas LEE Mathia  |  May 26, 2010 at 10:05 am

    Putting curse words with the name Patrick Swayze seems a little harsh, do you know who YOU Are??
    setting across, and putting things down, thinking this is gonna be GREAT!!! lets just go to town with this sh**
    It’s not very nice, don’t make me point,
    Say, okay, i’m sorry Mr. Swayze, for the stupid crap i put online, about his cancer, and then he died! no i didn’t do that….Whom or, “how” change that around! The man is Great, he sings, and dances, his family teaches…. he learned dancing from his mom, the Dance school, and even the movie, and the girl he says…
    Get her out of that corner, or…..maybe it was something else,
    wink wink, Nobody puts baby in the corner. And i wish i had the movie, But i’ll get it someday, they’ve made a second one, Dirty Dancing havana nights, but it never got seen, ok, i’m gonna stop, P l e s e a hope you get this message

    bottle, tree, wind, free, league, she’s like the flow, video, wind running through, the Fields, in OKlahoma, or a small town, called Lake or Grande, Skiatook lake, Tall chief cove, small dot on a map, near Owasso!

    Peace, love, REST and think, the memories are held, in the hearts of loved ones and family, the TV series you did, i didn’t get to watch most of it, the beast i think it was? That’s correct, i know, It was good, and i wish i was in it with you, or mathia was, m t a i a a …. MATHIA!!! hold up!! music,
    why was it not fixed, on the movie, when you were holding a record, and then the scene went back and you were not, holding the same one? there’s a GAP in there, somewhere, believe and have no doubts (don’t think i’m thinkin kings and queens, like CHESS!


    fly with the angels!!

  • 3. lifeisacookie  |  May 26, 2010 at 11:12 am

    What ARE you smoking, Lucas?!?

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