Puppy love

July 22, 2009 at 1:41 pm

I am totally crushing on Allyson Siegel right now, y’all!

Allyson who?
<——– Allyson ‘PUPPEEEZZZZZ’ Siegel!
::: duh! :::

Bitch is just THE hottest thing coming out of North Carolina since Charlie Daniels, ‘kay?
Because she is a DOER!
She saw wrong and righted it!!
She channeled her inner superwoman and outbid a Coney Island freak show operator to buy a five-legged puppy last week,  saving the 6-week-old cutie patootie from a life of humiliation.



The puppy, a Chihuahua-terrier mix called Precious, was born with a six-toed fifth leg protruding from her stomach, between her hind legs. “She is beautiful, she’s not a freak, she’s a normal little puppy dog and she should be just like all the others,” Siegel said of the lucky little lass she’s now calling Lilly.
“I saw her and she’s so adorable and I felt like I needed to be an advocate for her because she can’t speak. It just broke my heart. I needed to see if there was something I could do.”

My new girlfriend adopted the diminutive doggay and has scheduled surgery to remove Lilly’s leftover leg later this month.

Love. This. WOMAN!!!


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