Posts tagged ‘mother’

Here we go again …

!!!!! SICK BITCH ALERT !!!!!
!!!!! SICK BITCH ALERT !!!!!
!!!!! SICK BITCH ALERT !!!!!


Geez it’s gonna be crowded at the Mother Of The Year awards!

It seems like just yesterday that the hoochie twins were making news for their partiality to little-boy peen … and now we get to add 38-year-old Juli Faunce to our ever-growing ‘Pedo’ file.

But, unlike Tweedle Defective and Tweedle Diseased, Faunce doesn’t go for 13-year-old ass.
Nope! She likes ’em older!
Lean, mean and not a blackhead over 14!!!
::: … can’t drive, can’t shave, can’t stay up past 9 — oh yeah, so much to offer! :::

faunceOn Sunday December 28, police were called to her Delaware apartment where Mamma Bad Perm put on her big fat liar face and told the popo that a neighborhood boy had forced her 14-year-old daughter to have sex with him.
::: Little whipperslut!! :::

The fuzz then contacted the boy’s mother who said her son had sex alright — but it was with Mamma Faunce – not her teenage daughter.
::: PREDITORY! :::

Suddenly Juli gets jiggy with the factitudes and admits that *SHOCK* ‘yes, officer, I did have sexual relations with that boy!’ … on at least TWO occasions when he spent the night at her crib in November.

And that mess about Mr. Baby Luvah having sexy times with her daughter?


December 30, 2008 at 2:30 pm 7 comments

A Very Casey Christmas

caseychowFor Casey Anthony, this year’s Christmas will be much like today … and yesterday … and the day before … and the day before that … except with better food!
::: so that’s one  in the PLUS column … :::

But being held in protective custody means she’ll have to eat her holiday meal all by her lonesome.
::: … so that  goes in the MINUS column then … :::

Buuutt — protective custody also keeps her safe from the Christmas shanking Big Liz over in cellblock B was planning to give her this year.
::: mmmkay – ‘nuther for the PLUS column … :::

Ehh, but “due to her status she will not be eligible to attend any of the Christmas programs being offered by the jail’s three ministries,” a jail spokesman, said via email.
::: ruh roh – that one’ll get ya one more  in the MINUS column … :::

Oh but don’t feel bad — she may be a Naughty List All-Pro Hall of Famer, but she’s not going totally without on this holiday which falls a mere 6 days after the remains of a child found less than a quarter mile from her home were positively identified as her ‘missing’ two-year-old daughter, Caylee.


Records show she spent $68.24 from her jail account to place a little Christmas order for herself that included food, snacks, drinks and a sketch pad. Her inmate account now has a balance of $332.62.
::: So that’s a Casey Christmas Plus Column WIN with a final score of
 TO  … :::

Ho Ho … uh uh … hell no …


December 24, 2008 at 4:08 pm 2 comments

Daily Caylee – IT’S HER

Remains identified as Caylee Anthony

It’s Caylee Marie. The five-month mystery ended today when authorities confirmed that skeletal remains discovered in woods last week belong to the missing two-year-old girl.


December 19, 2008 at 7:12 pm



OK OK OK – Can anyone tell me what these two hoochie twats have in common?

Is it:
1.) A deep love of peroxide?
2.) The Jaclyn Smith collection at K-Mart?
3.) The two-for-one burger bonanza at Checkers?
4.) A penchant for prepubescent peen?

From the looks of these, uhh, “ladies” you might logically conclude 1, 2 OR 3 … but it’s actually Number Four that binds these bitches together as sisters in sin.
::: Calling SHAME – party of two? SHAME – party of two … :::

yuckHo’bag on the left is 45-year-old Elizabeth Gaddy, who likes Maybelline products, long walks on the beach and gettin’ touchy with 13-year-old schoolboys at her house or on a dirt road or, you know, wherever … 

And the raggedy piece of dried-up skank on the right is 44-year-old Joan Tuckruskye, who likes to get nekkid in the back of her Nissan Pathfinder and offer [you guessed it] 13-year-olds a slice of her fuit-pie nasties.

You know, not for nothin’ here, but there really outta be a national outreach program dedicated to training our youth in Black Ops evasion techniques and supersweet Ninja moves so they can bust a bitch UP and swing on outta there whenever one of these post-menopausal mastodons makes a move on their jubbly bits.

No joke!
Teach the children … and teach them well – because you can NEVER underestimate the destructive power of Avon perfume, Strawberry Hill and needy middle-aged vag strapped with little-boy LoJack … that shit will mess you UP!

December 19, 2008 at 3:39 pm 11 comments

Daily Caylee

New bones and what looks like a child’s story book were discovered yesterday on a wooded lot where Orange County investigators found a skull and other skeletal remains a week ago, the sheriff’s office said.

Also: First tips about site came in August
“We are currently following up on information regarding this particular location which we received three tips back in August,” Sheriff’s Captain Angelo Nieves said. “We are attempting to be as thorough, as clear and as concise as possible with the information that we received.”

What do YOU think?

December 19, 2008 at 10:49 am 1 comment

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